A very nice subtle flavour. Would definately purchase again once mine is gone. Arrived well packed and in a timely manner. Thanks
Very much appreciated
Love my tea
I will keep you updated and re-order again in a near future I promise Thank you
It came well packaged keeping it fresh and arrived promptly. Has the desired affect. Be careful not to plan a big weekend. Lol
I also purchased the lemon balm tea which has a great flavour. The package came in a big size maybe can put in smaller packaging. Apart from the packaging on bigger item love love the tea
Bondi Beach Tea Co.
April 20, 2018
From a happy customer:
Hey there,
Last week, my diagnosis became official – I have diabetes. The reason why I initially suspected I had diabetes, and the reason why I went to my doctor, has a lot to do with Bondi Beach Tea page. In the last few months, I have noticed a couple of dry skin patches on my arm, I felt like I was a bit more hungry than usual and the last straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak, was a tiny cut on my finger that took way longer to heal than I was used to. Since diabetes runs in my family, I was doing some light reading on it a few months ago just out of curiosity and I bookmarked your site back then. I vaguely remembered reading about these symptoms in one of your articles so I went back to your site, found your https://www.bondibeachtea.com.au/blogs/detox-tea-and-weight-loss-tips-australia/tell-tales-signs-your-blood-sugar-levels-are-too-high article and connected the dots. The reason I’m writing you is to thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting out such a great resource that resonated with me and made me save it. Without you, I would have probably gone undiagnosed for who knows how much longer until more serious symptoms started to show up.
After reading all that I could about high blood sugar symptoms on Bondi Beach Tea page, I turned to a couple of more sites to double check everything and I thought I’d send you another great one https://www.thediabetescouncil.com/what-a-high-blood-sugar-feels-like/ in case you want to share it with others that may be in a similar situation like me. Again, I cannot express my gratitude enough and I just had to reach out and thank you directly like this.
Warmest regards,