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  • Coffee☕is So Yesterday - 5 Reasons to Replace Your Cup of Coffee with Green Tea🍵

    April 30, 2017 2 min read

    Coffee☕is So Yesterday

    There are a lot of people around who are addicted to that brown, aroma aplenty drink that we call coffee.

    However, with the ‘power of all things green’ growing in popularity, green tea is starting to creep up on its coffee rival in the popularity stakes.

    Packed full of healthy bonuses, there are a multitude of reasons why you should replace your coffee with a cup of green tea instead. Get ready for some inspiration and take note, as these few insights below will knock your socks off. 

    1. Weight loss ally

    Did you just read that right? Yep, you did. Green tea can help you kick the fat by boosting your metabolism. If you read the labels on a lot of those diet fad tablet bottles too, a lot of those actually contain green tea.

    1. Offers an increase to your sex drive

    Hmm, something a little taboo here. The L-theanine contained in green tea (actually derived from the leaves themselves) provides a stimulus to brain activity, reduces stress and relaxes the mind without causing any drowsiness. The chemical is an advocate for increasing dopamine levels in the body and in turn increasing our sex drive (and potentially, all things lustful..).

    As well as this, L-theanine gives your brain plenty of room to function at its best. It helps with remaining focused and keeping you alert. Ideal for those who need to concentrate for extended periods of time.

    1. Helps fight infections

    Sometimes it’s hard not to tell someone they have bad breath after throwing back a cup of coffee, or you’re so conscious of it yourself. Well, maybe you could offer a cup of green tea at the next tea break instead! Studies have shown that catechins found in green tea can help to retard the growth of bacteria in your mouth.

    Catechins are also good little guys for killing off bacteria and putting a stop to viruses like influenza. They can also help to ward off Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease due to their protective properties on your neurones.

    1. Potentially reduces the risk of cancer

    There have been studies to suggest that women who drink green tea regularly have a 22% less chance of getting breast cancer. The antioxidants contained in green tea act to counteract the oxidative damage that results in cancer.

    1. Reduces the risk of Type 2 diabetes

    Some studies have discovered green tea can help to lessen the risk of developing this dangerous condition. It boosts insulin sensitivity and lowers blood sugar levels, which are a contributing factor to the disease.

    When you’re contemplating another cup of coffee or grabbing for your midday munchie snack, grab out the bag of green tea goodness instead. Green tea has proven health benefits beyond what you will find in coffee and provides a quick energy boost just like it’s coffee cousin too.

    Check out our Bondi Beach Tea Co. blends of natural yummies. There are blends for energy, detox, skin care and sleep aids as well. All natural and all great for your mind and body.

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