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  • Proven Way to Lose Weight

    May 27, 2015 2 min read

    Proven Way to Lose Weight

    Replace Your Wheat-Based Breakfast with Eggs

    Losing weight can be as simple as changing your breakfast and drinking tea!

    Two recent studies have shown that eating eggs in the morning (compared to toast or a commercial cereal) can help you lose fat without trying.

    In one study, 30 overweight women ate either bagels or eggs for breakfast.

    The egg group ended up eating fewer calories at lunch, the rest of the day and for the next 36 hours.

    Simply, the eggs were so fulfilling that the women spontaneously ate fewer calories at subsequent meals.

    In another study, 152 overweight men and women were split into two groups. One of the groups ate eggs, and the other ate bagels… both groups were on a weight loss diet.


    After eight weeks, the egg group had lost significantly more weight than the bagel group:


    • 16% greater reduction in body fat percentage.
    • 65% more weight loss
    • 61% greater reduction in BMI.
    • 34% greater reduction in waist circumference.


    This shows that a simple thing like changing one meal can have an effect.

    Another remarkable benefit of eating eggs is that they are among the healthiest foods in the world. New studies show that they do NOT raise your bad cholesterol or give you heart disease like previously thought.

    Don’t have time to cook a healthy breakfast? Think again. Preparing a breakfast with some eggs and veggies doesn’t have to take any longer than 5 minutes. I boil two eggs the night before and put them in the fridge until the morning. Easy!


    Conclusion: Studies show that eating eggs for breakfast can help you automatically eat fewer calories, compared to a breakfast of bagels. Adding a good green tea or herbal tea like Bondi Beach Tea Co. Bondi Slimwill help keep your metabolism on fast all day long!

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