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  • Get Summer Ready with these Herbal Tea Secrets

    October 22, 2017 3 min read

    Get Summer Ready with these Herbal Tea Secrets

    Get Summer Ready with these Herbal Tea Secrets

    There are countless surprising benefits of herbal teas that many of us do not know about and have never tried. From wrinkle remedies to reduce the appearance of tired eyes, green tea alone offers an abundance of health and beauty advantages.

    However, now, we have delved a little further in the spectroscope of herbal teas and discovered that these teas are great to have in your arsenal for summer too!

    Take a look at our list of the surprising benefits of herbal teas, which are perfect for when the weather warms up. With these little tips and tricks, you’ll be well-armed to tackle anything summer has to throw at you this year.

    #1 Rid smelly feet

    There is nothing worse than stinky sweaty feet when you’re showing off your newly pedicured tootsies. Tea may be all that you need to help you rid this problem. Simply soak your feet in a cooled blend of tea for about 20 minutes each day. The tannins in the tea have antibacterial properties that may help with your foot odour problem. Mint tea is a nice choice due to its gentle aroma, or you can also use any of the herbal tea blends we have available, especially green tea for its high catechin content. Make sure to dry your feet properly when you are done.

    #2 Soothes sunburn

    If you forget to slip, slop and slap this summer and have the sunburn to prove it, a cold compress of tea might help to relieve some of the tenderness from your burns. Check out this helpful go-to guide we found on The Beauty Department, using tea bags as a compress with an old shirt.

    #3 Soothes bug bites

    We know that mozzies and other bities love it when we dress down and offer them a flesh smorgasbord in the summer. If you’re like me and are prone to insect bites (I swear I have sweet blood), then you might find this helpful. To relieve the bumps and itch, apply a cold camomile tea bag directly to the affected area and let it work its soothing magic.

    #4 Help to lighten your natural coloured hair

    If you want to give a boost to your light-coloured hair, chamomile tea might help to do so. Simply spray some brewed chamomile tea onto your hair before you go out into the sun. Wellness Mama recommends a recipe of ½ cup of lemon juice to 2 cups of chamomile tea for a quicker result. You can also add ½ cup of calendula tea to the mix for more golden tones.

    #5 Treat oily summer skin

    Green tea is great for getting your oil excretion under control as it can help to slow the production of sebum, which is a natural oil contained in your skin. Many other treatments just remove the excess oil without actually treating the problem. The tannins in green tea also have astringent properties that will shrink any oversized pores. Simply spray a cooled solution of green tea over your face twice daily for a helpful oil-free aid.

    With a few helpful herbal teas and a little bit of brewing time, you have some power-packed ways to get ready for the sunshine and sand this summer.

    If you give any of our Bondi Beach Tea Co. remedies a try, please let us know how you go. Tweet your news to us @bondibeachtea or send us a shout-out on Facebook @BondiBeachTea. Moreover, if you have any herbal tea remedies of your own, we would love you to share those too!

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