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  • Candida Symptoms and How to Treat Them

    January 25, 2020 3 min read

    Candida Symptoms and How to Treat Them

    Candida Symptoms and How to Treat Them

    Candida is a type of yeast infection, which happens to be the most common variety that can be found lurking within your mouth, intestinal tract and vagina. Candida is known to impact your skin and other mucous membranes. It can, however, migrate to other areas of your body if your immune system is not running at its best. Your blood and membranes around the heart, or brain, can end up being impacted by the infection.

    Candida, in its healthy state and at proper levels, is a fungus that helps with nutrient absorption and digestion. It can become nasty when it overproduces and the symptoms of the infection start to appear. It can be a tricky one for diagnosis as it presents in varied ways from person to person.

    Some effects that candida may have on your body include:

    • Digestive Tract

    If left unchecked, it can break down the walls of the intestinal lining and infiltrate the bloodstream. Through this process, by-product toxins and other toxins from your system can be set free, causing leaky gut syndrome.

    • Onset of Dietary Intolerances

    Some people find that if they have developed a candida infection, they might experience an onset of new sensitivities, allergies or food intolerances, commonly with dairy, eggs, gluten or corn.

    • Chronic Fatigue and Mood Disorders

    Many doctors believe candida can bring about a fatigued state that is extremely difficult to shake. Anxiety, mood swings, depression and panic attacks may also manifest.

    • Vaginal and Urinary Tract Infections

    Candida can in fact be sexually transmitted and can be spread back and forth.

    • Oral Thrush
    • Sinus Infections
    • Intestinal Distress
    • Brain Fog
    • Skin and Nail Fungal Infections
    • Hormonal Imbalance

    What causes candida?

    A diet high in sugar and refined carbs, or an abundance of alcohol consumption, can be contributing factors to the onset of candida. Other possible causes include taking certain antibiotics, birth control pills, asthma inhalers (it is recommended to swish out your mouth after using an inhaler), cancer treatments, an onset of diabetes, or a weakened immune system.

    What are some natural treatments for candida infections 

    Candida albicans, which is the strain of candida that brings about candida overgrowth, is usually found to be quite resistant to both fluconazole and itraconazole, the main drugs prescribed for candida. So, some more natural ways you might like to try fighting off the infection are:

    Coconut Oil

    Due to its antimicrobial properties, coconut oil can be good for fighting off the infection through both ingesting and applying topically to the problem areas.

    Milk Thistle

    Supplements of milk thistle may help to rid your body of the heavy metals, prescription medications, and remnants of chemotherapy or radiation therapy that are sometimes causes of candida infections.

    Vitamin C

    An aid used to restore your immune system and prop up your adrenal glands.

    Oil Blends

    Clove oil, oregano oil and myrrh oil can help to kill off candida. Lavender oil can also put a stop on the growth of candida and is helpful for preventing the spread of the infection. You might like to try mixing a couple of drops of lavender oil with the coconut oil.

    For oral thrush, you can try three drops of clove oil with a tablespoon of coconut oil and swish it around in your mouth for 20 minutes.

    If you are experiencing a potential candida yeast infection, do take a visit to your local GP to get checked out. Left untreated, symptoms may also get worse.

    Bondi Beach Tea Co. tea blends have special ingredients that can help you to relax a little if you are getting stressed about your situation. Check out our natural range of tea blends online, so you can concentrate on getting back to health quickly.

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