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  • Best Teas for Skin Health

    February 08, 2023 2 min read

    Fresh Face Complexion Tea

    The skin is the largest organ of the body, covering an area of about two square meters and weighing over 5kg. It is a protective, waterproof, and sensitive outer expression of our inner health. Skin health goes beyond outer beauty, and a good skincare regimen should help you glow from the inside out. The best way to maintain healthy skin is by starting with a healthy diet of whole, organic foods. However, when diet alone isn't enough, we need to dive deeper to get to the bottom of our imbalances. A good place to start is by incorporating skin-supporting herbal teas into your daily wellness routine.

    The first step in using herbal teas for supporting skin health is by supporting your digestive, lymphatic, and immune systems with spring tonic herbs. These bodily functions involve those areas of the body, such as hormones, digestion, and immunity, making it necessary to keep your digestive system healthy as the best first line of defense. The nervous system also plays a vital role in skin health, and scientific evidence points to the correlation between stress levels and skin health.

    Among the best herbs and teas for skin health is our award winning Complexion tea blend, a traditional European combination of spring tonic herbs that helps support the lymphatic system, gently stimulating the body's natural detoxification process. Other herbal teas include Spearmint tea, Dandelion  Root tea, and Nettle Leaf tea, which refresh, support healthy kidney function, and joint health. Tulsi is another herbal tea that helps the body address various manifestations of stress through a variety of actions.

    To use herbal teas for supporting skin health, take them regularly, as directed on the carton, for two weeks straight. Some teas may take longer to make an impact, and it's always best to work with your healthcare practitioner to find out which herbs and what protocol is best for you and your body. With the right herbal teas and a good skincare regimen, you can maintain healthy skin that glows from the inside out.

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